As part of the preliminary activities for the second round of the Gates Foundation through the Solina Centre for International Development and Research(SCIDaR) funded Polio Special Intervention campaign, we trained LGA Focal Persons and eHealth Africa LGA Coordinators in Niger and Katsina states.

The training aimed to update participants' knowledge of Polio and Outbreak Response (OBR), share feedback from the outcome of the campaign's first round, update the master list of settlements and build their capacity on how to tell a story of the campaign using their phone cameras.

Based on feedback on data management from the first round of the OBR, GGHN will introduce a second and third data collection mechanism to serve as a buffer for the existing data collection apparatus used in the previous campaign. Consequently, GGHN trained participants to use its’ Field Map and Red Cap Mobile Applications, ensuring they were up to speed with the functionalities before usage in the field.